Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm Going Rogue...

I've written my blog for about a year now, and for the most part it's been nice. Nice, but not great. Let me explain... before beginning most endeavors I do my homework. I like to see what has been done, what are the rules, what do I like, what do I dislike. My blog was no different. I guess I had a preconceived idea of what an artistically written blog should be. My blog has fit that criteria well enough but it's just not truly authentically all me. So here it is, I've decided that I am going rogue!

I will no longer stop writing a blog because it's not just about art - art comes in so many varied forms. Maybe what I write will be solely about the art of living.

I will no longer stop writing a blog because I have no digital pics to demonstrate my art - some forms of art cannot truly be captured in digital medium.

I will give myself permission to blog from my heart and my life - after all I am unique and there is no one who can represent me better and more accurately than I can.

I thank all of you who have read my blog and I hope you will continue. I appreciate the emails and interest in my online shop, Most of all I am grateful for the kind words and encouragement I've received in the last year.

So with a wink of the eye and a mischievous grin, I look forward to seeing you again soon.

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